Fabricant | Allemagne: AHLBORN develops and manufactures high-quality data loggers and sensors for research and development, industry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, environmental protection, monument protection, universities and many more. A special...
Distribution | Suisse: Vous trouverez parmi notre vaste gamme de capteurs, d'alimentations électriques et de composants électroniques les composants requis pour votre domaine d'application spécifique. Selon vos besoins, nous...
Distribution | France: Automation24 – Votre partenaire de la technologie d'automatisation. Chez Automation24, vous trouverez en permanence des produits standards d'automatisation à des prix préférentiels, en moyenne 24 %...
Fabricant, Distribution | Allemagne: Driesen + Kern was founded in 1977 starting as a distributor for various foreign companies such as Vaisala and Grant/Eltek. Lateron the company started to distribute more poducts from companies such as TSI Inc,...
Fabricant | Allemagne: Electrovac is an internationally active company and produces by means of glass-to-metal technology hermetically sealed packages and sockets for the electronics-, automotive-, battery- and sensor-industry. The packages...
Fabricant | France: Endress+Hauser, un fournisseur dans les techniques de mesure et d’automatisation, avec une gamme de produits pour la détection et la mesure de niveau, débit, pression, température, les analyses...
Fabricant, Distribution | Royaume-Uni: Euro-Gas Management Services Ltd is trusted globally for gas sensing and gas detection solutions. Product ranges include an extensive selection of premium gas sensors and precalibrated circuitry, gas detector...
Fabricant, Distribution | Allemagne: First Sensor compte parmi les principaux fournisseurs mondiaux dans le domaine des capteurs. Notre société développe et fabrique des solutions de capteurs standardisés et sur-mesure...
Fabricant, Distribution | Royaume-Uni: For innovation that matches your imagination, there's only Honeywell. With more than 50,000 products ranging from snap action, limit, toggle and pressure switches to position, speed and...
Fabricant | Suisse: Huba Control développe, fabrique et vend des composants pour la mesure de la grandeur physique de pression et de débit. La désignation «composants de mesure de pression» regroupe pour nous les...
Fabricant | Allemagne: We develop and produce application and customer specific multi-gas sensor modules in volume for customers with the need for tailor-made modules in highly regulated areas. With our single gas sensor modules, we measure gases...
Fabricant | Etats-Unis: Merit Sensor designs and manufactures reliable, versatile, and accurate piezoresistive MEMS bare die/chips and packaged pressure sensor products. We specialize in custom pressure sensor solutions for any industry including...
Fabricant | Allemagne: Micro Sensor GmbH, located in Dusseldorf Germany, is wholly-owned subsidiary of Micro Sensor Co., Ltd in China. Since 1971, Micro Sensor has started researching, designing and producing pressure elements and instruments more...
Fabricant | Allemagne: MSR-Electronic offers fixed gas warning systems for reliable gas monitoring, leakage detection and analysis: sensors, controllers and warning devices. Whether for the compliance with the MAC values or for leakage monitoring,...
Fabricant | France: PCE Instruments, créée en 1999 par des ingénieurs allemands, est fabricant et distributeur d’instruments de mesure, de régulation et de contrôle, de laboratoire et de balances pour de...
Fabricant | Allemagne: SICK is one of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. Founded in 1946 by Dr.-Ing. h. c. Erwin Sick, the company with headquarters in Waldkirch/Germany ranks among the...
Fabricant | Singapour: T-SMART Vision is making thermal detection a new cognitive solution, why do we say this? Simply put, Our society has been increasingly aware, relying on thermal detection technology which has increasingly been used in a...